Saturday, October 2, 2010

Interesting Quote: Brian Brown

The Human Rights Campaign, a $40 million dollar-a-year organization, has launched a website that purports to expose the "lies and secrets" of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM). Brian Brown, President of NOM, responds:

"I looked at the website.  Gee, they've discovered that NOM is a coalition of people of diverse religious views who believe gay marriage will hurt marriage as a social institution. They didn't need a whole website to ‘expose’ that; I could have told them.  We're flattered.  HRC is a $40 million organization whose heavy-handed attacks on NOM only prove that we are the key national organization fighting for marriage as one man and one woman. We've grown from a $500,000 to a $10 million organization in just three years because so many Americans recognize that we are a key player in the fight for marriage."


  1. Brian Brown is dellusional...on a side note I love the 'fun facts' on the nomexposed site

  2. Miss Ginger isn't the best at math, but she's pretty sure $40.0 mil is 4 x's as much as $10.0 mil. It's kinda easy to see where public opinion lies. Each time an old teabagger dies, they are replaced by a modern-minded humanist who wants whats right for mankind. Time will bring society to the correct position. Patience is a virtue!

  3. If you keep equating cash to acceptance you will keep forgetting where the cash is coming from. Follow the cash and you will see that the money is coming from lots of churches that now do not have to reveal were their money is going? But the fundamental question to ask is wasn’t Jesus poor? Didn’t Jesus preach love before cash? Every body knows that the biggest supporter of NOM is the Mormon Church. And Christians are falling for the belief that it is better to have more than one wife than to love your neighbor? They are falling for the bate that having more than one wife and even believing in aliens is better than a man loving another man? They forgot that Jesus preferred the company of twelve apostle and never got married. Will he also be targeted according to NOM?
