Saturday, October 16, 2010

I Celebrated Xanadu's 30th Anniversary

Me and the Diva Mega, Darcel Wynne (And my eyes are closed!!!)

Last night, I was reborn at the 30th Anniversary of Xanadu! I dragged my partner to Glendale to see this wonderful movie. It was a true experience because some of the cast, including 3 Muses and Gene Kelly's wife were there.

We also had a performance from Darcel Wynne and her dance troupe, it was so good! And Darcel... Diva.

I was very happy to see her, because I was so inspired by her as a kid. She was a powerful dancer on Solid Gold and I wanted to dance just like her. When I talked to Darcel, I almost fainted.

Okay, enough of my rambling; here are some pics from the event.
BTW, I cried at the "I'm Alive" scene in the beginning (I always cry during that scene). I'm such a geeky gay.


  1. You could photoshop some open eyes in there...! LOL

  2. Everything about Xanadu is so awesome - the soundtrack, ONJ, the Broadway play - I absolutely love it!
