Tuesday, October 5, 2010

GetEQUAL New Thing: We'll Give When We Get EQUAL

Here is a press release of their new initiative: 
GetEQUAL has launched a campaign called "We'll Give When We GetEQUAL," asking LGBT Americans and straight allies to withhold time and money from political entities that are not fighting as hard for our equality as they are for our checkbooks.

We're not the first ones to voice frustration with both Democrats and Republicans for holding our equality hostage (see here, here, and here). And we're not going away -- despite the efforts of Democratic apologists who continue to raise the specter of President Palin to scare us into donating.

Are we asking you not to vote? Absolutely not -- too many social movements have fought for that hard-earned right that must not be thrown away. Are we asking you not to donate or support pro-equality candidates? That's up to you -- there are several pro-equality candidates that need support, especially because they are minority voices in their party.

Are we asking you to withhold money and time from those who refuse to find concrete ways to work toward our collective equality? YES!

Our tolerance and patience -- while we lose our jobs, are denied our right to marry, are forbidden to serve our country openly, and are forced to watch our youth kill themselves because they have no dignity or hope -- is gone. We are asking you to withhold your support from political parties and committees until President Obama, the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, takes the first step toward LGBT equality and signs an Executive Order to IMMEDIATELY halt all military discharges of lesbian, gay, and bisexual soldiers.

Why continue to organize on behalf of politicians when we need to be organizing for ourselves?

My view: What is the plan for the money withheld? And if the Dems fail and we get the blame, how do we answer for that? We didn't get what WE wanted so, sorry for you? That could have huge setbacks for us.

Plus, it wouldn't have much of an impact. The DNC raised another record amount of money, $16 million bucks. And guess how, fundraisers by Obama and donations. I hate to say this, but jobs and the economy is taking center stage for most Americans. We have to recognize that. How about providing a list of the strong LGBT friendly candidates to help us make wise choices.

Withholding money is a strong message, but I think it has an impact as a whisper in a LV sale at Bloomingdales.

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