Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Doctor is Coming to America

Great Doctor Who news!

The Doctor is coming to the US.
American Doctor Who fans, rejoice: The long-running time travel show will indeed be filming in the U.S. this fall, for a story in which the Doctor and his friends visit Utah in the late 1960s... and then the Oval Office.

Spoilers below...
According to a press release from BBC America, next month the Doctor Who team will do some actual filming in Utah for a special two-parter co-commissioned by the BBC and BBC America. It's "a story set in the late ‘60s in which the Doctor, Amy and Rory find themselves on a secret summons that takes them on an adventure from the desert in Utah - right to the Oval Office itself." And River Song will be along for the ride as well. Will the president be LBJ or Richard Nixon?

Sounds fun! More to come



  1. Whew, you scared me. For a moment, I thought the rumoured US reboot/reimagining was going to happen. But filming on location? Oh, I am so for that.
