Sunday, October 3, 2010

Cynthia Nixon tells NOM's Brian Brown a Thing or Two about Gay Marriage

Over at Broadway World, I saw these pics about a discussion over Gay Marriage. The event was called, 'The Case for Gay Marriage'. It was a part of the 2010 New Yorker Festival at SVA Theater this weekend.
I was happy to see Cynthia Nixon present, so I searched for a clip or something to post and this is what I got:

She told him like it is.

The panel included Jeffrey Toobin, R. Clarke Cooper, David Boies, actress Cynthia Nixon, Brian Brown and Bishop Gene Robinson.
 Too bad you have to pay for the entire thing.


  1. Would i be consodered really behind if i say i had NOOO idea she was gay :/

  2. What the hell, FORA is in the pay to view thing now?

    But she made some good points and Brown didn't have any valid response except to shake his head.

  3. You go girl... Love ya Cynthia.
