Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Arkansas Department of Education has condemned Clint McCance's Anti-Gay remark

Yes, the finally said something! The Arkansas Department of Education condemned Clint's dumbass, anti-gay messages he posted on Facebook.
Here's their statement:

The Arkansas Department of Education has prepared a statement regarding the Facebook posting of Midland School Board member Clint McCance:
The Arkansas Department of Education strongly condemns remarks or attitudes of this kind and is dismayed to see that a school board official would post something of this insensitive nature on a public forum like Facebook. Because Mr. McCance is an elected official, the department has no means of dealing with him directly. However, the department does have staff who investigate matters of bullying in schools and we will monitor and quickly respond to any bullying of students that may occur because of this, as we have with other civil rights issues in the past.
  Also MSNBC reported on this foolishness

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