Tuesday, September 28, 2010

WATCH Ann Coulter talk more Mess on Larry King


  1. This filth in here is dangerous. You got a Barbie look alike articulating for the religious right their social agenda. Who also is endorsed by Gay Republicans that are only interested on their personal finances? And she debates a black man in the Larry Show, who also has pocketed millions for his close to death entry. What you get is a lap dance and the reoccurring version of the passive housewife telling his man “let me speak.” She will not give up her privilege, nor she will stand for anyone else but her pulse. Her reference to Liberals and her claimed that she understands the black community is only but a tactic to further keep the division among gays and straights, blacks and women going. Liberals need to take noticed that the narrative of division has taking a new dimetssion. How come the liberal women out there that feel trapped by the business community do not come forward and confront her on reproduction rights, and how come Larry never asked about gay parents adopting children neglected by the hetero families. If family is in the question why not bring the hypocrisy of Sarah Plain’s daughter who gets a free card while millions of young mothers out there are living in poverty discarded by the wealth that has being shifted to corporations instead of the families that the religious right claim they value. I say debate her at her bases, have another woman asked her questions about women rights and reproductive rights and her position of marriage and family within the struggling class that does not have the millions nor the camera access to vent their position. I will love for it to be a fierce black women the one to put her on her place.

  2. She is incredibly dense about the issues discussed and yes it is all rooted in her religious beliefs.

    Meanwhile Lamont could have countered her idiocy about the social policies of illegitimacy by simply stating that crime rates are in fact tied to poverty rates. Plain and fucking simple. The social safety net programs have been nearly completely dismantled over the last 30 years.

    And another thing, the drop in crime in the 1990's was due more than likely to better family planning and easy access to abortion.

    I would love to hear her response to that. Hell I'd love to debate Coulter.

  3. Saddly I do not think she has beliefs; she has financial gains.
