Friday, September 10, 2010

Torchwood Scoop: Why Ianto was Killed

Many folks wanted to know why Ianto Jones was killed off from Torchwood.

TW Writer John Shiban gives the reason:

“Russell wanted that to happen, although they are my words,” he said. “It was absolutely the right thing to do though from the point of view of the story and what it gave to the last episode.

“The strength of Torchwood and Russell’s vision is that you don’t know the heroes are going to survive. That’s been well established now!

“That adds a sense of jeopardy to the show which leaves everyone wondering what will happen next.”

He added Ianto’s death also allowed him to illustrate one of the costs of immortality for Captain Jack.

“In my mind, I was always aware that Jack had gone through this situation many times before, and that was really interesting to me. How do you have a relationship and fall in love with someone when you know – absolutely know – you will be around to see them die?

“That’s a real tragedy that Jack has to carry around with him, as well as a fascinating weight to hang around a character’s shoulders.”

John’s quest towards perfection has already started when we spoke, with the first draft of his TNW work already with Russell T Davies in Los Angeles.

What that will become is for the future though, and as we sat in the pub, I leant forward to ask him my final question, the question I’m sure every Torchwood fan would ask given the chance.

Will you bring Ianto back, John?

He pauses, takes a drink from his pint, then leans forward, pondering ………

“I’m not going to answer that Neil, you’ll just have to watch and see,” he said.



  1. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Heard the arguments before, but am still bitter. Ianto was hot, and I loved having him in my home.

  2. But that Plan was so stupid! Let's rush into the room with the deadly aliens and bluff!

    I mean, Jack didn't have anything to worry about. He can basically trial-and-error his way through everything and pick himself up and trial-and-error again. Ianto was dead as soon as he tried to play by Jack's rules.

  3. If they do bring him back, I hope it's not via a cheesy handwave. (Although Evil Alternate Universe Ianto With A Goatee might be entertaining.)
