Friday, September 3, 2010

Studios... Bring Horror back into Horror Movies

Here's my plea to the Horror movie makers... No More Remakes, Reboots or Sequels!

I talked about this awhile ago, and I see not much has changed. Every horror movie released in the past 3 years has been mostly remakes, sequels and reboots. So I have to ask, WHY?

Horror should not be a lazy movie genre. Horror invokes so much creativity, fear, innovation and power; the amount of stories to tell are limitless. So why are studios falling short on this? Hell, studios are falling short on many things, but I'll stay with Horror for now.

Most of you know that I love Horror. I live for it, crave the fear and terror. But it hurts so much, when I see these remakes and re-images of classic horror films. Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, Halloween, Piranha 3D, and My Bloody Valentine made decent money, but they were TERRIBLE! They added nothing new or smart to the concept. Basically, they were rebooted for money, not for the love of the genre, but for money.

It really hurts to see SAW part 34 continuing on. That series died years ago. To see more of it, is like dragging a dead pony around the neighborhood. I know there are better stories out there... There are also better writers.

All I want is these studios to give new ideas a chance. Again, those remakes made money, but they met strong criticism and distaste from many fans. If I ever get the chance to put out any films, I will try to scare and thrill the viewers. I will be creatively motivated to put out the bee's knees. I just wished, others felt the same way.

So come on studios, give Horror, real Horror, a chance.


  1. I totally agree! Sometimes I wonder if I've become so jaded that nothing freaks me out anymore.

  2. I'm with you! Although I wouldn't mind a remake if it's done well. I hate the "cheese" factor they all have. For example...the first Nightmare on Elm Street was good and scary. Then they started having Freddy crack jokes or puns and it sucked. SCARE us! That's why it's called horror.

  3. The image above of that child is downright frightening. I'm a scardy-cat though and never watch horror films. I'll stick to my romantic comedies.
