Monday, September 20, 2010

SLDN and Lady Gaga head to Maine for DADT rally

Today, Lady Gaga and SLDN are heading up to Maine to rally for DADT. They hope to gain the support of Maine's Repub Senators in order to stop a possible filibuster on Tuesday's vote.

Here's more:

Now, after hitting the white carpet and taking to the Web, Gaga is heading to Maine to raise awareness at a large gay-rights event. The pop superstar is slated to appear at the #4the14k rally organized by the SLDN in Portland, Maine on Monday. The title references the approximately 14,000 citizens discharged under DADT, and veterans affected by the military's controversial measure will address attendees. The event will kick off at 4 p.m. ET.

"Meet me in Portland, Maine 2moro, 9/20 to help repeal #DADT. I'm holding a Rally + speaking live in Deering Oaks Park," Gaga tweeted on Sunday (September 19).

SLDN maintains that the organization seeks to draw the support of Republican Maine Senators Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins, who could significantly affect the passing of the National Defense Authorization Act, a bill which includes the repeal of DADT. The bill would benefit from bipartisan support in order to overtake Arizona Senator John McCain's filibuster.

I will post more on how everything turns out.


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