Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Seth Walsh takes his life, due to Bullying in Middle School

13-year-old Seth Walsh died yesterday at the hospital. He was on life support for 9 days after he tried to hang himself from a tree at home.

The reason for this suicide is becoming too common... He was teased and bullied for being gay. And what hurts the most is the school (Jacobsen Middle School) didn't stop it or reach out to Seth, regardless of their anti-bullying program. Police investigators talked to many students, but they said there will be no charges for his death.

My heart goes out to his family and friends.

Here is a tribute to Seth



  1. I find myself making these kinds of posts almost daily now, and it doesn't seem as though anyone--and I'm looking at school administrators and parents--is taking this very seriously.
    Something needs to be done.

  2. It hurts because a lot of us know exactly how that kid felt. The fact that nobody seems to take this seriously only convinces other kids in the same situation that it doesn't matter if they die.
