Sunday, September 26, 2010

Question of the Day

What is your guilty pleasure movie?

Mine is Can't Stop the Music... See why


  1. when ever im sad or stressed...i put in The Wiz...everytime Lena Horne does the big finish my heart gets full.

  2. For me the Wiz isn't a guilty pleasure. I feel no guilt what so ever! LOL!

    But Goodness look at Bruce Jenner at 1:47!! Plastic surgery is an evil sumthing isn't it! Lord! Stay away kids, stay away!

  3. I like "Confessions of A Teenage Drama Queen" - it was just simple, dumb and really required no thought! Plus I like the theme song by Lindsay Lohan!

  4. Hmmm.....I'd say any movie with Prince, but truthfully the only one that I can stomach and it's still pretty bad is Purple Rain. Close in the race is Flash Gordon,BeastMaster and SuperGirl. Both of which I haven't seen in a while!! I need to queue them up over on Netflix! LOL!

  5. Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion.
    Hell, it doesn't embarrass me that much either! LOL

  6. Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion.
    Hell, it doesn't embarrass me that much either! LOL
