Friday, September 24, 2010

Question of the Day

Who was the biggest celeb you actually met?

Keanu Reeves was mine. He was so hot in person and very nice.


  1. Diana Ross. I did an event for her and her young sons when I worked at Motown Cafe. She was friendly to me, but I was scared shitless that she might go all Miss Ross on my ass at any moment.


  2. I danced with Diana Ross.
    I worked for a while at the Loews Miami Beach Hotel, and I met Muhammad Ali--very nice, but very ill; Briney Spears--very rude; Justin Timberlake--sweet and ambiuously gay; and David Copperfield--who looked like a homeless guy.

  3. Whoopi Goldberg, while I was a background extra on Sister Act II.

  4. Colin Baker (Doctor IV), in an autograph line at a fan Convention in 1993.
