Sunday, September 5, 2010

Question of the Day: The Fashion Edition

How do you describe your personal style?


  1. Eclectic and label-less.
    i do not like wearing labels on my shirts pants shoes, etc.
    Unless the deigner wants to pay me to advertise their clothing.

  2. Exceedingly casual. Jeans, t-shirt, sneakers.

    For a twelve year period of my life I had to wear uniforms then business professional attire for school. This is open rebellion against that.

    Plus the field I'm in kind of encourages casual to exceedingly so. Information Technology and security.

  3. Goodwill and charity shop couture!

  4. Urban Nerd Prepster...
    I used to be super casual (as a teenager. baggy jeans, t-shirts, and etc). Now I love CLOTHES. I think I am almost obsessed.
    I like to dress preppy, but add a few hip hop type accessories (eg. fitteds, sneakers, and sun glasses).
    I kind of dress like Kanye West and Pharrell...
    I love a lot of fun colors too.
    Plus, I like to wear layered print tees. Just throw cool stuff together and create a look.

  5. It depends on my mood - it's rock n' roll sometimes, and sometimes it's rugged with a slash of gay!
