Thursday, September 9, 2010

Pastor Terry Jones has Called Off the Quran Burning Event

Well, look a here. The Loony King has ceased the Quran burning event this weekend.

Word has it that Terry got a call from Secretary Gates and they chatted for a bit. Then, later today, Terry called it off.

The pastor's announcement came after a growing chorus of demands, from President Obama to religious leaders, American generals and others, that he cancel the event planned for Saturday because of the potential impact on Christian-Muslim relations and the effect a Koran burning would have on American troops fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq. Earlier in the day, President Obama said that the pastor's plan to burn the Koran on the anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks was a “stunt” that violates American principles of religious tolerance.

“If he’s listening, I just hope he understands that what he’s proposing to do is completely contrary to our values as Americans,” Mr. Obama said in an interview shown Thursday on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” referring to to Mr. Jones.

The pastor's announcement that he was canceling the Koran burning was the latest twist in a series of events that had propelled Mr. Jones to worldwide notoriety and raised deeper concerns about festering extremism in the United States.

And more surprising than the announced cancellation of the burning was the pastor's allusions to an agreement with the imam. But details of any agreement remained elusive.



  1. This was nothing but a ploy to drum up membership for his church.
    I blame the Media for this shit. He should have been written off as a wacko and not given so much air time. He wasn't going to do it anyway...

  2. I sort of agree with Toddy.
    That's why I chose not to blog about this.
    I saw it as an opportunity for this "pastor" to attract more wingnuts to his tiny church and I wasn't going to help him.
