Wednesday, September 22, 2010

New Book: The Brilliant Book of Doctor Who 2011

The Brilliant Book of Doctor Who 2011 is a collection of tidbits and "how did they do thats" stuff from the show.

It also has some sneak peek info about future shows. For example, the Christmas Special.
“This one’s incredibly Christmassy. That’s true of the previous ones but I wanted to go for broke. It’s easily the most Christmassy thing you’ll ever see. It’s a huge, sentimental, lovely, jeopardy-driven story. It’s the Christmas special I’d like to see. It’s like a compilation of every Christmas movie. A big Christmas treat. But that doesn’t mean it’s without scares, and that doesn’t mean it’s without heartbreak. It has genuine tragedy in it.”
And River Song... Who is this Woman?
“That’s absolutely coming. You’re going to find out very soon, and that means we have to do it next series, really… The critical thing here is I want to explain who she is, not explain away who she is. If you don’t deliver on most people’s expectations, and you just say, ‘Ooh, she’s a specially programmed android who believes she’s the Doctor’s wife,’ people will go, ‘That‘s a cheat.’ You can’t do that… It’s a really good story, and it’s sort of the story of next year.”
The book comes out at the end of the month.


1 comment:

  1. just watched the Christmas episode with Kylie Minogue. It was also a great homage to the poseidon(?) adventure
