Friday, September 24, 2010

Interesting Quote: Libertarian Party Chairman Mark Hinkle

“President Obama and the Democrats had almost a year of complete control of the federal government. They could have repealed ‘don’t ask don’t tell.’ They could have gotten rid of the Defense of Marriage Act. But they didn’t do either. The Libertarian Party wants to break this self-destructive behavior”

Okay, so what do you really have to offer, Mark?



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Exactly! How come they do not show up at the tea parties rallies and raised some hell. OOhh! I get it! It is easy to blame the black president.

  3. forget these spineless politicians! The only way DADT will be abolished eventually is through the courts.

  4. Libertarians have shown up at tea party events and been turned off by the social conservative part of it. In some cases they have actually been purged or forbidden to speak at tea party events. The LP position is that personal relationships are none of the government's business. It's only job should be to equally protect all private contracts, including marriage contracts, between any two (or more) individuals regardless of their gender.
