Wednesday, September 1, 2010

HRC's Joe Solmonese and Log Cabin Republican's R. Clarke Cooper discuss GOP (Faux) Support of Gay Marriage

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  1. Well, I have yet to see the groundswell of support for LGBT equality in the party of Lincoln, as was pointed out. In fact, for those who have spoken out, it has been generally against it. In fact, it was that party that discussed changing the Constitution to formalize legal bigotry. And they also put marriage equality and adoption issues on state ballots to stoke the lunatic fringe of their party. So forgive me if I say talk is cheap, let's see something other than soundbites.

  2. Part of me almost wishes they'd repeal the 14th. Not because I'm racist, or because I think those of a different color shouldn't have the same rights.

    I say it because then corporations couldn't hide behind the Constitution. I'd have an absolute field day on that one.

  3. AUDIO: New Exclusive Intimate
    Interview with R. Clarke Cooper,
    Executive Director of Log Cabin
    Republicans about Ken Mehlman
    coming OUT, LGBT civil rights
    & more. Check it OUT @
