Thursday, September 16, 2010

From Harry Reid's Campaign: Reid does not take cues from Gaga.

In the magical, unicorn infected world we live in, many believe that Lady Gaga is the new Mary Magdalene (especially the gays).

Earlier this week, she brought discharged soldiers to MTV's VMAs as a statement against DADT. It was a great gesture to bring awareness of the issue. Gaga also urged folks to contact Harry Reid and push him to repeal DADT.

Then a day or 2 later, Reid announced that they will vote on DADT next week. Suddenly, LGBT blogs and WeHo gay munchkins claimed that it was Gaga who made this happened. Now, when I heard this... I laughed. I mean Gaga is good, but not 'Angelina Jolie' good. But many were convinced.

But today, we have some clarification:
A spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Tuesday a vote to repeal the military’s ban of openly gay and lesbian soldiers had been planned for next week before the singer made waves with a plea during a daytime talk show.

The pop star known for flashy performances and eccentric style called on Reid to repeal the military’s "don’t ask, don’t tell" policy in an interview with Ellen DeGeneres that aired Monday.

Reid’s campaign and Gaga traded talking points on Twitter after the lawmaker announced the vote. Reid told Gaga repealing the measure was the right thing to do.

Campaign spokesman Kelly Steele said Reid does not take cues from Gaga.
Maybe if she made a song for his campaign, he might consider it.

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