Saturday, September 18, 2010

Christine O'Donnell is Tampered Darksided Stuff!

Now, I know how she won the Delaware Primaries... she used WITCHCRAFT!

On Bill Maher last night, he revealed a clip that showed Christine O'Donnell admitting to doing witchcraft.
Well, we got the clip and remixed it a little, check it out:

Yes, she did! The God Warrior was a Wicked Witch! We see the truth!

So teabaggers, Christine may not be the non-touch-myself angel. She could be darksided! A demon who will snatch up your husbands and eat your children!


  1. Every time I think she can't get crazier, she opens the door to a new basement of looney.

  2. LOL! Bill said he's got loads of these clips that he's going to play each week until she agrees to come on his show.
    It's so great to have Real Time on again!

  3. Loving this, not because it is against a woman but because it is against a hypocrite.

  4. Aiiiiieeee burn the witch!
    haha. Hilarious. I love Bill Maher.
