Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Asher Brown takes his own life because of Bullying

Asher Brown shot himself in the head last week. His parents believed it was from the consistent bullying he received from school.
Brown, his family said, was "bullied to death" — picked on for his small size, his religion and because he did not wear designer clothes and shoes. Kids also accused him of being gay, some of them performing mock gay acts on him in his physical education class, his mother and stepfather said.
The 13-year-old's parents said they had complained about the bullying to Hamilton Middle School officials during the past 18 months, but claimed their concerns fell on deaf ears.
David and Amy Truong said they made several visits to the school to complain about the harassment, and Amy Truong said she made numerous phone calls to the school that were never returned.

The school claims that there never been any reports from students or the Asher's parents. 
That statement infuriated the Truongs, who accused the school district of protecting the bullies and their parents.
"That's absolutely inaccurate — it's completely false," Amy Truong said. "I did not hallucinate phone calls to counselors and assistant principals. We have no reason to make this up. … It's like they're calling us liars."
David Truong said, "We want justice. The people here need to be held responsible and to be stopped. It did happen. There are witnesses everywhere."
On the day Asher killed himself, he left a note to his parents, saying he was gay. His family said they were fine with it.

This madness has got to stop.



  1. This is surely becoming to familiar, my heart goes out to him and kids like him.

  2. Just saw this at Bob's place too. the madness does need to stop, but I don't think it will until we are all ready to grow up. A lot to ask of human beings.
