Monday, September 27, 2010

Are the Gay GOP trying to change the game?

I've been following up on this GOProud and gay GOP groups for several months and honestly, they are interesting mix. In several of their posts and articles, they talk about fighting for healthcare and jobs, not marriage and DADT.
See here:
Our agenda is unlike the agenda of any other gay organization.  Instead of fighting to expand the federal government
through hate crimes laws or federal employment non-discrimination legislation, legislation that only impacts a sliver of gay people, we instead focus on issues like taxes, healthcare, retirement security, and the economy — we offer gay Americans pragmatic, common-sense conservative approaches to these issues that will improve their lives, as well as the lives of all Americans.
We believe strongly that the federal government doesn’t have all the answers to the challenges facing gay and lesbian families.  Indeed, we believe that often the federal government is the problem — not the solution.
Interesting... And for the Left side, marriage, ENDA and DADT are the main goals. But what battle is the winning one? What is the most appealing side?
I'm learning that many LGBT peeps are really concerned with healthcare, jobs, and the state of the economy. In fact, those concerns are taking top spots. And the scary thing is many are seeing the Gay Left as myopic, demonizing and overly critical of their own team.

I have to say this issue is intriguing, especially the way the media handles it. The Gay Left gets all the 'they attack their own' spin while The Gay Right gets the 'They helped make DADT unconstitutional' press.

I will be following this more, but I'd like to know what y'all think. Am I crazy for thinking this or is this a crazy possibility? Let me know.


  1. This is weird.
    I think economy, jobs, healthcare should be an issue for everyone.
    So, is their only difference that the members are gay? Gays united to take on standard issues!
    Maybe they are trying to impress the hetero set... which I think will lead to nothing. LGBT are dying in wars, yet they still won't support the repeal of DADT.

  2. I think that this bunch here only stand for their pocket, while they benefit from the braves that take a stand against the ruling class. I am not for the normative of marriage, and I do not believe on war, but trust me I will never stand for a party that invades my bedroom, deems me a sinner, and wants to keep me as second class. It seems to me that they have the money to travel abroad when the repugs come knocking at their door. Homophobia is very complex.
