Monday, September 20, 2010

AMERICAblog Gay's latest Mess: Comparing Lady Gaga to Obama

It's been a while since I called out AMERICAblog Gay, but after seeing their post on Lady Gaga and Obama, I couldn't resist.

In their recent mess, they talk about how Lady Gaga is putting all out there for DADT, making Obama and other politicians look bad.

See here:
Kerry Eleveld's latest column provides an update on the impending Senate vote to end the GOP filibuster of the Defense bill, which contains the DADT language. It's not good. There's a standoff between the Democrats and Republicans.

And, there's no sign that the White House is lobbying on behalf of DADT. Think about that. If this is such a priority for the White House, why haven't we heard a peep from Obama.
The Republicans are filibustering a defense bill while we're fighting two wars. And, nothing.
But, there is one voice out there speaking out.

And, she's speaking to many of those young people who elected Obama. It's Lady Gaga:
Are you serious? Really? y'all must be high on discounted crack.

And I love how they use Kerry Eleveld's biased ass article as if it's blessed by Jesus. Hell, she's like the Baroness to their COBRA terrorist team. But I digress.

First of all, Lady Gaga is not a politician and she has limited effect on the inner workings on repealing the bill. She doesn't have a Senate or House vote, she can't break the filibuster and McCain is not threaten by her.

She's a music artist with a mega gay fanbase, so basically, she has nothing to lose. She doesn't have a Congress, lawmakers hounding down her throat, 2 wars juggling in her hands, an economy to balance, a health care bill to move forward, a family to protect and a group of f**ked up people called the Tea Party threatening to hang him by a noose.

She is an activist, no different than most of us who fights for LGBT civil rights.

Now don't get me wrong, I like Gaga. I enjoy her music and I'm glad she has gathered folks in this fight. But to compare her to the frakking President is foolish.

She may walk in huge diamond crusted heels, but she doesn't have the skills to wear Obama's shoes.

So AMERICAblog Gay, search for a reasonable and comparable hero. One with the true power to make political change and can lead the Congress in the best direction.


  1. Conservatives aren't the only ones who loose perspective.

  2. Okay, I like Gaga's music...
    But let's be real. She is on this gay rights super crusade to KEEP her mega gay fanbase...Oh and to get a Kennedy Center award in 50 years.
    I appreciate what she's doing but please stop turning her into the gay messiah. Just stop.
