Saturday, August 28, 2010

WATCH clips of Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor Rally

Moose Mess

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Some guy- Tony LaRussa

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  1. Umm, I would think it would have been honorable for Glenn to let the Rabbi and Native-Americans speak.

    Oh and wouldn't Jesus find it dishonorable to summon a group of people lacking in diversity, and celebrating the men and women drawn into to killing in war? I recall Jesus' daddy saying something about thou shall not kill.

    Let me end my comment by reminding us that Margaret Cho had it right when she said that Jesus looks down upon us and shouts "That's not what I meant?"

  2. Translation: "Don't ever elect a N*gg*r to be President ever again."

  3. You can see the Divine Destiny event video from 8/28 with Glenn Beck, and the FULL video of the 8/28 rally here:
