Sunday, August 22, 2010

Support for Gay Marriage, State by State

This is an interesting look at the support for gay marriage over the years from state to state



  1. It is interesting that the graphic reports support has not gone up in conservative states, when in fact, it has gone up in every state. As far as scientific data trends go. I think we definitely have a trend favoring support here. Now, if the right wingnuts would just shut up about it and stop fussing, you'd see those numbers rise even more. The hate/dear mongers make people who would normally not care about it think it is a bigger deal to them than it actually is.

  2. I see that I read it wrong. It says support has risen. My bad. Sorry.

  3. I thought SC would be a flatliner. Nice to see it isn't.
    Hell, it's freaking surprising.
