Saturday, August 7, 2010

Screenwriting Class Update: The Class is Over

My screenwriting class is over and I'm really bummed about it. I really enjoyed this course and I'm proud to say that my script, Shadow Boy is stronger than before.

In our class, we all had to create a movie script. Out of 8 students, only 4 of us completed their work. I hoped for all of us to finished our scripts, but it wasn't in the cards.

However, I was very pleased with my script and the feedback my professor and classmates.

I will share some highlights:
  • My characters were consistent throughout the entire script.
  • A created a murder scene that freaked out my class.
  • Folks loved my antagonist, Patrick. I enjoyed creating him... He's brilliant, powerful and a psychopathic.
  • I was told I was one of the few writers to create a gay themed movie in the Advanced Screenwriting classes.
  • One of my lead characters is a supernatural being, but I wouldn't name what kind of being it is. This drove some folks crazy and I loved it.
  • Actually, I created a new type of supernatural being using basic mythologies and fairy tales.
  • My professor thought my work was marvelous and captivating. He also said my ending was a great payoff.
Again, I had a great time in this class and I'm going to make Shadow Boy a real deal (someday).


  1. Congratz! Will you get a letter grade from the class? What's up for next semester?

  2. Awesome - was it influenced by your many comic book characters you have been reading? I love the stories in some of these comics - they are so creative and imaginative!

  3. I really want to take a creative writing class! Just to aid me along...That is so cool!

  4. Sounds like a great class and great effort. Hope you can find an advanced version for the next go around.

  5. I'm hoping this gets optioned for production. I'd love to see it.

  6. Congratulations. Sounds like a great payoff to the class.

  7. Cubby, I hope I get an A, but we will see.

    I am planning on working on it some more just to make it better.

    Steve, my love for comics was the key to tell this story. My class love the visuals and ways I described the scenes.

  8. I've been looking into taking a screenwriting class. please tell me about the experience.
