Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Question of the Day

What is Sookie Stackhouse?

An elemental?

A Fairy?

An Angel?

Or a Muse?


  1. Do you know I was going to post this question on my blog today? LOL.
    Sometimes I think we are using the same brain.
    UGH! haha.
    I think she's a fairie, personally!
    Or a white witch with natural ability.

  2. I'm not sure what she is. I just want to marry her brother.

  3. I can't figure it out. I think something like a fairy.
    I want to help Alcide get over that trashy bitch Debbie!
    I sure hope Alcide returns soon.

  4. According to the books she's a quarter fairy and fairy blood is irresistible to vampires. There are also some wiccan activities going on somewhere. Keep an eye out.

  5. Damn you Wikipedia and my insatiable curiosity. Both her and her brother are part fairy. Jason's part just manifests in him being irresistible to women and supposedly gay men,(not that he needs the fairy blood for that!!). Sookie gets the powers and having dark creatures drawn to her.

    Also, two of your choices are kinda one and the same. One is the next step up from the other. You can be promoted. ;)

    They may have changed Jason for the show though, i would think if he is part fairy like Sookie then they should have the same blood type, which it appears is not the case.

    Lafayette could be anything, since in the original series he's kinda dead. So at this point they can do with him whatever they please. I would assume though that they are speaking more in metaphor than actual abilities.

  6. I was guessing an Angel - but in TB I don't think there's any such thing - I'm going with "elemental" - althugh I'm not sure what that is!

  7. I think there are differences between the show and the books.

    In the books Sookie is with Eric and Bill is her ex.

    I trust Alan Ball will pull a fast one on us.

  8. @Mad-Right now is the storyline where Sookie breaks up with Bill. If it does happen I'd look for that to be a season ender/cliff hanger rather than midpoint. I don't think they've established enough between Sookie and Eric to have her leave Bill and go to him yet. There's still some more betrayal from Bill on the way. ;)

    But you are right, I'm sure they can change things up however they want. Thank goodness, otherwise we wouldn't still have Lafayette!
