Monday, August 23, 2010

Question of the Day: True Blood Edition

Well, so much was revealed... What did you think?

Remember, we have 2 more to go.


  1. I didn't understand the whole Sam Merlotte situation. Yeah, he was a crook who killed his girlfriend. What did they have to do with him going ballistic against some random (apparently werecat)?
    I feel so sorry for Tara. It is like her whole world is unraveling!
    Somebody PLEASE kill Russell.
    Oh my god Eric is so sexy...
    And so is Jason Stackhouse!
    I am glad that Hoyt and Jessica are back together!
    I knew the new lady was a witch.
    Sookie needs to learn how to use her Fae powers so she can blast the vampires!

  2. I know it's standard that it always gets bleak before the big finish, but this episode was damned dark! So dark that when it came time for the Hoyt/Jessica reconciliation, I was too bummed from everything else to fully relish it's inevitable joyful happening.

  3. I can't believe we're still going on with Sam's past. It was barely bearable the first time and ended up resulting the him finding his trashy, not connecting to the main plot family. Now we have another pointless Sam story? Seriously?

    I'm glad all the other little secrets were finally resolved though because seeing them get worked on in 2-minute bursts during the plot-a-thon episodes earlier in the season was painful.

  4. Jason Stackhouse is SO stupid! Why did he need to tell Tara RIGHT THEN he killd the love of her life, Eggs Benedict?

    [Has anyone else been having problems with Tara's acting this season? She seems "too amped" in almost every scene she's in.

    I'm glad the ffaerie stuff is out in the open---I still want the big "secret" tha Bill was sent to find out what Sookie is by Sophie-Ann to be revealed before the end of the season.

    What the heck does it mean that Crystal (Jason's gf) turned into a Black jaguar? Is she a shifter or something else?

    I love Hoyt and Jesica together.

    Sam's brother needs to go away. Now.

    Sam needs to chill THE F*CK out! Errybody done some stuff they want to forget.

  5. Sam's getting intense - not sure what that is building to! Eric is a sleaze ( a sexy one however) and Sookie needs to listen to Bill (what a dummy she is0.

    LaFayette remains my fave and Russell is so hot!
