Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Question of the Day: The Superman Reboot Edition

Would you want Brandon Routh to come back as Superman in the reboot?

I want him back.


  1. Oh God Yes. Brandon is so damn sexy! I'll watch him in anything. And, I thought he was a great Superman. And faults people had, it was the writing of Supes as a mopey stalker- deadbeat dad. Has nothing to do with his perfomance.

  2. Yep, he is so hot. It's not his fault the first movie didn't do well.

  3. Goodness yes. I thought it was his performance that gave it any link to the previous Supes films (as it was supposed to be).
    As a related question: can we start a petition to keep Kate Bosworth away?

  4. For sure! I loved him as Superman. I'd want him back. And I'm with Paisley--let's keep Kate away. She was so miscast.

  5. ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto and ditto

  6. ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto and ditto

  7. Okay, I'll be the contrarian. He did a decent job in Superman Returns, but he felt like a stand in for Reeve (stunt / acting double). If he returns hopefully they find a way to make it his own franchise instead of being cast for a resemblance to Christopher Reeve.
