Sunday, August 1, 2010

Question of the Day: LGBT Progressive Edition

Is it an issue that Dan Choi has an agent and charge fees to speak about LGBT rights?

There are others who are not feeling this and they have raised several questions about his 'activism'.

I'm still thinking about this. Things have changed when it comes to the level of activism, but does the money drive how far you would go in pushing a cause?

I would love to hear from you about this matter.


  1. What needs to be found out is whether Dan was paid to be at NYC Pride or Netroots Nation. The answer will determine whether he is truly concerned for the cause, or, much like other organizations I've cited elsewhere, are just in it for profit.

  2. I would be okay if he would ask the org to cover his travel and hotel expenses for the engagement. I would think many orgs would invite him as a speaker to their fundraisers, events, etc. So, one hand washes the other.

    With that said, he should also continue to earn this high-profile position with in the LGBT community, by being very active in fighting for our rights in meaningful ways.

  3. I think having an agent tends to lessen the impact of being labeled an activist.

  4. Honestly, I would wait until there was proof of Lezgetreal's accusations before forming an opinion and someone in demand has to have an agent representing him, it's very common practice.

    They site anonymous sources and have a LONG history of hating on GetEqual and Dan Choi... I understand their disagreements, and I've grown tired of GetEqual's sometimes pointless activities, but trying to drag someone's name through the mud just because, well, hmm, none of their articles even cited a reason aside from not liking like them.

    Seems it's just another case of a blogger hating someone who does something IRL.

    For the record, the photo you posted was taken in front of my City Hall in Fresno, CA... And, there isn't any way any gay organization here could've afforded his alleged speaking fees.

  5. No one is hating on GetEqual.

    Even though I myself have been critical of them, I fully appreciate and admire the fact that Kip and Robin are two activists who had an idea and or concept and someone believed in them enough to help them along with that.

    As for Lt. Dan Choi is concerned, no one is hating on him either. However, Choi went jump the shark status during that fasting business and for someone of us who blog and write about this stuff, this is stuff can't be ignored just because.

    That's not how that works. People who are affluent think that, but not those grounded in reality.

    And that reality involves a man who spent a year claiming to be a victim of a discriminatory policy when he really wasn't, then lying for a whole month about not being a victim when he really was.

    Seriously, WTF?

  6. I wouldn't have any issue with him charging for speaking at events. It isn't unusual for professional activists to do so, I would venture some even have agents to help them manage & negotiate their schedule.

    His current profession is that of a full time (independent?) activist. How else would we expect him to pay his bills?

    The test of his commitment would be can he be paid to speak up for the opposition or to be silent?

  7. imo money does change things. because when you're being paid to give a speech you'rre going to approach it toally differently than if you're doing it for free.

    the entire point of activism is to do something for the greater good and not charge for it...

    if the organisations want to take up a collection for him afterward then that's on them, but he shouldn't be doing it just for the money...
