Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Question of the Day: Gay Marriage Edition

After Judge Walker announced his ruling, I started to wonder... Should we be able to marry now?

I think so. We are protected by law and until someone says otherwise, we should be free to be... married that is.

So I ask, y'all... Should be able to get legally married now in California?

Holla Back



  1. The answer is "yes, but..."

    If they start issuing marriage licenses now and Prop. 8 gets reinstated in the appeals process, then those marriages will be void. That's a big risk and a big problem. However if the parties understand this risk and still want to get married, they should be allowed to do so.

    Even a single day deprived of our fundamental right to marry is one day too many.

  2. Yes.
    Marriage is a right, and a privilige, and all who wish to do it should do so.

  3. Yes, of course you should, but come out to Massachusetts and get married in Provincetown. You can ride a pedi cab up Commercial Street and everyone will applaud and cheer you. Now that is showing support!

  4. Larry is right. People need to be informed and prepared. I think our ability to marry will be reinstated within CA during the appeals process, but people need to keep in mind that getting married while the ruling is appealed, presents an element element of risk for them.

  5. I was going to say that I'd probably wait for the appeals process to play out. But then I changed my mind. Even if the appeal goes badly and one were to be suddenly legally un-married, as inconvenient and financially messy as that would be, it wouldn't (shouldn't) change the relationship.
