Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My Top 7 Misfits Songs

Since I showcased my favorite Jem songs, it's only fair to post my favorite Misfits songs.

These girls kicked ass.

Universal Appeal


Love Sick


How Does it Feel

There Ain't Nobody Better

Ahead of the Game

Listening to this songs makes me realize that I was not only super gay as a kid, but very conceited.

Oh, the pre-teen years.


  1. "There Ain't Noboby Better" is slammin. I'm serious, i'm gonna search for these songs.
    Now, i'm just now realizing the show was like a Musical.

  2. I actually kinda like the Misfits songs better!! All of them are fast paced and not as sappy as Jem's stuff. (Don't kill me Victor!!)
