Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My Top 7 Jem Songs

Everybody who reads this blog, knows I LOVE Jem. This cartoon inspired me in so many ways and then some.

So it surprised me that I never did a 'Top' list of Jem songs. Well, that changes today.

Here are my top 7 Jem Songs

Like a Dream


We Can Make a Difference

We Can Change It

Family Is

I Got My Eye on You

There's a Melody Playing

There's more. Maybe I'll do a part 2


  1. I totally need to make my list...lol.
    Your's is great by the way!

  2. "Like A Dream" is fire! As soon as I heard it, it sounded familiar, like an 80s standard I knew, but hadn't heard in years.
    She is getting those notes on "We Can Make A Difference." And I like that piano emphasis/ reminds me of Wendy & Lisa.
    I need to get some of this on CD. (I already have lots of 8bit masterpieces, like Metroid and Mike Tyson's Punchout. This will fit.

  3. I don't know if I ever watched Jem. Am i in trouble?

  4. OMG - I actually love that music - half cheesy/half rockin!
