Sunday, August 1, 2010

My Fast Food Past

Most of us worked in fast food some time in our lives. In my younger days, I was working in the hot worlds of McDonalds and Hardee's.

But to be honest, I wasn't very good at it. I had a lot of problems trying to get into the scene. However, I had a great time doing it.

So I will share some of my 'problems' I had in the fast food world.
  • I was good at frying baloney sandwiches, but trying grill 12 burgers almost killed me.
  • Chicken nuggets looked really weird before you fried them.
  • I think my appreciation for DWBs grew after working in fast food.
  • I wasn't good in taking orders, but I could give them really well.
  • The 1st day on drive-thru was also my last. Someone asked me if we had hot dogs. I said, "Do you see hot dogs on the screen?" My co-manager took me off drive-thru with the quickness.
  • My uniform faded fast because I washed it everyday. Not everybody did that, so I had to get new uniform every 3 months. Later, I just got them dry cleaned.
  • I got in trouble for taking time preparing burgers. I thought the burger should at least be cute.
  • I fell in lust with a guy named JimBob.
  • I made the mistake of saying why I was taking more hours. I mentioned that I needed to buy clothes and comic books. Later my hours were shorten.
  • I couldn't get my hightop fade under my hat, so I had to wear a hairnet.
Thank Hera those days are over.


  1. Sorry, but I just can't figure out what DWB stands for. I tried hard, spending over 10 minutes googling. Driving While Black? Doctors Without Borders? Those don't make sense.

  2. DWB = Dirty White boys...LOL.
    Anyway, I did time in Fast Food at the tender age of 15...Sophomore year.
    Oh my god I was not good at it, at all. I kept screwing up the orders. Onetime I gave someone a big mac with no meat.
    They came back pissed.
    I worked there for two months. My grades started to drop so my mother made me quit. Don't think they minded.

  3. DWBs = Dirty White Boys
    Cubby, I was enlightened a year ago by Victor.

  4. Sounds like we had some very similar experiences in the fastfood industry.

    "do you see hot dogs on the screen" sounds just like something i would have said!

    when working in fast food people want you to roll out the red carpet for them even when they're just ordering a hamburger and fries.

    I had to laugh right in this woman's face when she asked "how sweet is the sweet tea"? i wanted to say "idk, i dont eat/drink here and i dont have a sucro-meter so i'm honestly not sure

  5. Sing along with me...."Hurry on down to Hardee's, where the burgers are charcoal broiled!!!"
