Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Levi Johnston ACTUALLY filed a letter of intent to run for office

This is not a joke, I guess.
Our favorite Lil Abner is serious about running for office.

Johnston filed his letter of intent Friday with the Alaska Public Offices Commission, a first step needed to begin campaigning.

The letter doesn't specify an office, though Johnston's manager, Tank Jones, has said Johnston's interested in a run for mayor or City Council. He did not immediately return a message Monday.

Earlier this month, Jones confirmed that Johnston planned to run for office as part of a reality TV show.

He really doing it. I guess if you posed nude, you can run for office. It worked for Scott Brown.


1 comment:

  1. Oh, it's a joke all right, because I'm sure his TV crew was capturing the moment on film.
    Get a real job, Levi.
