Monday, August 23, 2010

Interesting Quote: Fantasia

"I didn't have any fight in me. I didn't care about anything. I just wanted out. At that moment, I wanted out. I wanted it to be over with – all of it, all of that [expletive]."

Fantasia revealing that the overdose was no accident.



  1. You have to give her credit for telling the truth. There is still so much stigma about suicide.

  2. Very sad she felt that was her only choice.

  3. I pray for her. I hope she finds peace that doesn't require ending her life.

    Sadly, I heard almost the same words from a love one about two years ago, just before he swallowed a handful of pills. He survived, but yet still struggles with wanting to be alive and fully engage in life.

    Fantasia has a rough road ahead of her. And, so does her family around her that will want to be there for her.

  4. So sad that she felt that way and couldn't think of her daughter and the ones that love her unconditionally

  5. I can't stop thinking about her daughter...She has her daughter to live for. I can't even imagine being at the point where I might want to end my life, but my 4 yr old Goddaughter and my 14 yr old nephew who loves me--that's what comes to mind immediately. I will definitely pray for her.
