Sunday, August 29, 2010

Great Hera! WATCH these Poor People at the Restoring Honor Rally



  1. Interesting. The comments from the people are ridiculous. It's obvious they are talking based on points from right wingnuts, without really understanding what theya re talking about.
    That is not surprising.
    IT is surprising that the interviewer, while asking interesting questions, did not ask them why they are "all of a sudden" interested in cutting spending. It was fine to allow Bush to take a surplus and drain it completely down. They never talk about how we got in this situation. They just complain about it and think that they can solve it all by simply restoring honor. There was a definitely a lot of elitism and racism inherent in their beliefs. It's clear they don't understand how the system works, or exactly how it got broken in the first place. The answer to that is that people just like them let people not like them fall through the cracks.

  2. If they stay on the talking points they are OK, but get them away from that, and the truth reveals itself quickly.
