Monday, August 16, 2010

Gay Adoptions in Mexico City!

Mexico is really doing it this year. After approving gay marriage, they turned around and approved gay adoptions

AP reports:
Mexico's Supreme Court has voted to uphold a Mexico City law allowing adoptions by same-sex couples.

Monday's 9-2 ruling by the justices rejects a legal challenge by federal prosecutors and others who argue the law fails to protect adoptive children against possible ill-effects or discrimination.

This is great!


  1. And they continue to be more progressive and forward thinking and equality minded that the US.

  2. I need to do my homework on Mexico. What in the world is goin on down there that they are being so accepting so quickly compared to their history

  3. Hmmm, when I get gay married I guess I need to move to Mexico.
    I gotta brush up on my espanol.

  4. Awesome - for such a huge Catholic country they are really leading the way...the US should take example. It's not about religion as this Catholic -rich country has proven, but about "Human Rights"...Awesome!
