Tuesday, August 24, 2010

First Look: Torchwood - The New World scans from SFX 199

Get Excited



  1. It's going to be very hard to watch Jack and Gwen pushed together as star-crossed lovers after all the truly moving stuff with Ianto.
    I know I should reserve judgement until I have seen it, and I hate to sound like a Twitard, but if Jack starts talking about Gwen has been is true love all along, I am out of there.

  2. Maybe it's time to get a DVR. I keep hearing about this show but have only seen bits & pieces. Sounds interesting.

  3. It's worth watching just to see Gareth David-Lloyd who played Ianto. Swoon.

  4. Sadly, Ianto is dead. Luckily it looks like Jack and Russell Tovey will be the new lil' gay couple! Or am I wrong about that Vic?
