Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Elizabeth Hasselbeck Actually supports Gay Marriage

Barbie of the GOP has actually surprised me today.

In an interview in Fancast, Elizabeth came out and said she supports gay marriage

What are some common misperceptions about you?

Oh, gosh, there are so many. They’re really funny. One is that I’m a super neat-freak conservative [and] perfect, like, a Stepford wife. [Laughs] I mean, there are times I wish for that sort of organization and natural tendency to have this perfect home. And without Tim, my husband, who is naturally neat, organized and has everything in order, I tend towards disaster. [Also] I am not ultra-ultra-conservative on every issue. I actually support gay marriage.

She also talks about other perceptions too. Maybe we are wrong about her? I doubt it.


  1. We're not wrong. I have some other quotes of hers coming up on Friday.

  2. I still don't like her though. One good idea doesn't erase all her other bad ideas
