Saturday, August 7, 2010

Dr. Martin Luther King’s Niece will join NOM to rally against Gay Marriage

This is not the business. MLK's niece, Alveda King is joining NOM to tackle gay marriage.

Here's the press release

Join Dr. Alveda King at Atlanta Rally Today!

We’ve received word from Dr. Alveda King that she will be able to join us at today’s Summer for Marriage Rally in Atlanta, Georgia. Please help spread the word to anyone you know in Georgia or a nearby state!

We are extremely honored that Dr. King would arrange her schedule to be able to join us this afternoon, headlining our event outside the Georgia State Capitol from 2:00 – 3:00pm.

Three days ago, in an outrageous 136-page ruling, federal judge Vaughn Walker stripped 7 million Californians of their right to vote for marriage — declaring that same-sex couples have a new civil right to redefine marriage for everyone. And that the Christian faith, like the beliefs of other traditional faiths, “harm[s] gays and lesbians.”

Dr. Alveda King knows a thing or two about civil rights. Her own life has been dedicated to standing up for the rights of the unborn, speaking for those who have no voice of their own. Her father was the late slain civil rights activist Rev. A.D. King. Her uncle was the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Two great men who stood for respect, human dignity, and the rights of all to participate equally in the political process.

The time has come that we must now stand for marriage. I know how busy you are, with family, church, work and other commitments. Maybe you have never stood at a public rally or protest before. But if we don’t stand for marriage now, it could soon be too late.

Help spread the word!

Atlanta Summer for Marriage Rally Saturday, August 7 from 2:00 – 3:00pm State Capitol (Washington Street side) Atlanta, GA 30334

To get idea about her, please watch this video

Thanks to Derrick for his post


  1. Dr King would be disgusted by this.

  2. What's the matter here? This is not right!

  3. What a shame the two people in the video seem to think heading toward a theocracy is the way to go, and in keeping with the teachings of MLK. His niece sullies the family name. She seems to forget there were plenty of 'faith-based' groups who tried to stand in the way of her uncle's struggle for civil rights, claiming their understanding of 'the good book' didn't allow for equality for all.

  4. @Howard, you wouldn't happen to mean the KKK would ya? Funny how very different interpretations of scripture can be.

  5. It's a sad, sad day when the apple falls THIS far from the tree....SHAME! Her uncle fought FOR civil rights and now she's joining the cause to DENY civil rights!
