Friday, August 27, 2010

The Blue Ranger comes Out

This is the week for coming out, I tell you.

The Blue Ranger from the Power Rangers is gay. David Yost comes out after years of being taunted about it.
“A week before I left the TV show I made a commitment to myself saying, “If I get called faggot one more time, I’m walking because I can’t handle it any more,” Yost says. Within a week it happened, and it happened from a higher-level person on the show.”

Yost says he spent the next few years doing everything he could to “pray the gay away.”

“There were times when I would call prayer hotlines like Joyce Meyers prayer hotline or Pat Robinson’s 700 Club prayer hotline and instead was condemned over the phone.”

Instead of helping, all the prayer ultimately led to a mental breakdown and a five week stay in the hospital — and because his parents didn’t know he was gay at this point, they assumed it was the pressure of having not worked in a while.

Yost says he’s coming out now because he’s “tired of hearing stories about teenagers still taking their lives and committing suicide because of who they are and not understanding that there are resources for them to get help.”
I'm glad he has gain the courage to come out. Welcome, David.



  1. Oh wow, good for him.
    Sadly it reminds me of what I went through and thousands of guys have gone through.

  2. Aaahhh he was the one I had a crush on when I was younger. Once you go geek!!

    That's too bad about his experience hopefully he has grown from it and become a stronger person because of it.

    What happened to the Asian Ranger in that original cast?

  3. Damn, that's tragic. I had only skimmed the article. I didn't know he had a breakdown, and then got harassed by some punk @ass televangalist.

  4. The original yellow Power Ranger died in an automobile accident in 2001. I figured there was a reason why he abruptly left the show in 1997.
