Wednesday, August 11, 2010

American Bar Association tells States to extend marriage rights All Gay Couples

This is something cute, The ABA is telling the states let the hate go and give marriage rights to us.

L.A. Times reports
The country's largest lawyers' group has backed a resolution calling on all state legislatures to let same-sex couples get married.

The American Bar Association voted at its annual meeting Tuesday in San Francisco to support the measure sponsored by the New York State Bar Association.

New York State Bar Association President Stephen P. Younger says the resolution passed overwhelmingly, with only one speaker voicing opposition during debate.


  1. I'm proud. Not to sound cynical, but it's becoming more and more clear where same-sex marriage is headed. State after state, nation after nation, the snowball effect is kicking in. The ABA doesn't want to be on the wrong side of history.

    The ABA has traditionally been a liberal group in its policies and membership. I know conservative lawyers who are not members, and they've told me they do not want to be associated with the liberal group. The absence of many conservative lawyers causes the membership to be skewed to the left, allowing resolutions like this one to pass overwhelmingly.

  2. I think this is good! It clearly shows that Church and state has to be separated or else there would be human rights being prejudiced!
