Tuesday, August 3, 2010

10 Reasons why Inception has Change the Game

If you haven't seen Inception then you are missing out. It is THE best movie of the year! And it has changed the game for flicks to come.

How, you may ask? Well, I will give you 10 reasons why.
  1. Original story - this is not a remake or a sequel, in fact it proves that new stories can sell tickets.
  2. No flashy overdose of CGI. It didn't need terrible graphics to push the story.
  3. A deep plot that was smart, not dumbed down for everybody and their mama. This movie was supposed to fail because it was too smart... It's been number 1 for 3 weeks. Smart folks win.
  4. The movie didn't need an overly hot actor or some sex kitten starlet to carry the movie. Strong actors actually did what they're supposed to do... Act.
  5. The action scenes made sense to the story. No excess of explosions, bombs, fighting or screaming "Bumblebee" every ten seconds.
  6. No Shia.
  7. Their abilities/powers were not corny or silly. They were brilliant.
  8. The villain(s) were not stereotypical characters.
  9. Every item (clothing, music, etc) had a purpose... not fluff.
  10. It actually made you THINK!
I'm still enthralled with this movie. It didn't need some 18 year old with killer abs or Michael Bay, all this flick had was a good ass plot.

Hopefully, writers and producers will take heed and challenge themselves in creating powerful films. Some day, I hope I can deliver.


  1. I loved this movie.
    Loved it.
    Loved the lack of CGI which always looks cartoonish to me, anyway.
    Loved Leonardo DiCaprio, who is a brilliant actor.
    Joesph Gordon Leavitt is amazing, and a little hot, too.
    Page, Hardy, Watanabe, Murphy, all good.
    It's nice to see a good smart film for a change.

  2. One of your best posts, V, and I completely agree. I loved this movie and cannot wait to see it a second time.

  3. I couldn't agree with you more, Wonder. Great observations and well put.
    I loved the movie. Best movie I've seen in a good minute

  4. Joseph Gordon Levitt is just a little hot? Oh my god he is BLAZIN! I think he's sexy...lol.

  5. I read an article recently that did say you need to see this twice because of the complicated plot. I look forward to buying and watching.
