Friday, July 23, 2010

Wonder Woman Rumor!!!

There are claims that a WW movie may be announced!!!

The Playlist reports:
Ok, remember how we said that David S. Goyer was potentially being considered a frontrunner to direct "Superman: The Man of Steel" reboot godfathered by Christopher Nolan, but might not be able to because he was considering another super-hero property?

Well, here it is. We're hearing that at ComicCon sometime in the next 48 hours or so WB/Legendary are going to announce Goyer and a "Wonder Woman" film for 2013. What's Goyer's role going to be. As a director? A writer? We're honestly not sure, the intel is fuzzy.

Again, we don't know if this is true, so take with a huge grain of salt if you will, but it's intriguing information if it's correct.

I will check this out!


  1. Megan Fox as Wonderwoman


  2. This must make you happy - Did Gummi Bare say Meagan Fox - I think she would be good in this roll despite the fact that I dislike her as an actress! Too bad Catherine Zeta Jones is getting older!
