Thursday, July 15, 2010

Screenwriting Class Update

Hello all, I thought I give y'all an update about my cinema school course.

This is week 3 and I tell you, writing a movie script is no joke!

We are reading or rather, acting out the scenes from each others' scripts. It's interesting to see other folks' ideas, but it's hard to hear the critiques.

Well, for me, it's hard to hear.

Now don't get me wrong, I love feedback, but my script is my baby. I'm very passionate about my characters and the worlds I create. So when I receive negative (it's really constructive) feedback about my lead characters or scenes, it stings a little.

I know I have to have a tougher skin and open mind for scriptwriting, but it will take a little bit of time to get used to it. Right now, my script is good. My professor likes my work, but he wants me to speed up the action. I'm a dialogue person. My characters can talk all day, but that's the problem.

So, I'm shredding dialogue and pushing up some action pieces. Since my script is a gay supernatural tale, I need to sale the 'supernatural' piece earlier in the script. I managed to cut some out scenes, but it was really hard to do. I kept going over and over in head about how to keep them in the story. But I knew I had to let it go and keep moving.

I had to realize it's not about me, it's about my script. My script has to come first, my pride and ego has to wait their turn.

So, I'll keep y'all posted.


  1. I'm very interested in this and hope you write about it often.

    Everyone thinks their baby is perfect and beyond criticism, that's natural. But the quicker you get past that feeling the better off you'll be.

    Are you using specialized software, or a standard word processor?

  2. Love the fact that you are keeping us informed about the progress. V, it will be hard at first, but ultimately being able to let go more easily will make you a better screen writer. Make us proud!

  3. Cubby, I'm using Final Draft and you are right, it's good to get into the heart of the work.
