Saturday, July 31, 2010

Question of the Day

Do you think this should be the final season of American Idol?

I say, YES!


  1. I agree. the talent this year was just OK to me. The judges are getting boring and dated.

  2. Yup.

    But as long as I can DVR the show and FF, I'll probably still check it out - only this year to see how bad it is.

  3. Last season SHOULD have been the final season of Idol, but...

    Yes. Like everything else "Reality TV", they ran the show into the ground and over saturated the American viewing market. Need other fine examples? Sure: Survivor. Big Brother. The Real World. The Amazing Race. The Bachelor/Bachelorette. Top Chef. The Real Housewives of (insert US City of your choice)...Any reality show on VH1! I could go on and on.

    Absolutely hated Ellen on Idol last year. Glad she left! Simon's gone now. Paula left (or was asked to leave. Which was it?). And the talent last season was tepid at best. Unless they do something really amazing, I don't a forsee future beyond next season, no siree.

  4. The show has run its course. Without Simon, it's pretty much "abandon ship" before it becomes an unbearable wreck.

    So, in short, yes.

  5. Should be, but it won't.
    They'll continue to beat it until it's completely dead.

  6. Was never a's lasted about 9 seasons too long.

  7. Last season...should be. Kicked Paula off the ship, Simon took a rowboat and Ellen jumped into the icy waters. Unless they get some AMAZING judges next season consider this done.
