Monday, July 12, 2010

Question of the Day

New twists and turns last night... What did you think of this week's True Blood?


  1. I thought the sexual tension with Alcide was annoying just because she's already in a love triangle and Sam seems to have only just given up on her. I just don't buy her as THAT desirable of a person.

    Anything with Eric, Pam, or Lafayette was intensely good, but that's business as usual.

    Oh and I miss the days when Tara wasn't a perpetual victim of supernatural crap and was constantly telling people off.

  2. Yes, please bring back the old Tara! I used to want her as my BFF. Now, I would not hang out with her.

  3. I do too, Mecha. I think Tommy's hot.

  4. I agree with all of you boys. Sam's little brother looks like he's got a nice booty. I love Pam. And I'm exhausted with Tara not getting a break.

  5. I can look at Alcide with his short off over and over - he's the new hottie - sorry Eric.

    Something good is brewing - and it's getting more steamy. Now - I can't seem to stand Sookie - she's driving me up a wall. But Lorena has that annoying voice as well - ugggggHhhh.

    And Tara - OMG - please put her out of her misery.

    Well - yes I liked it!

  6. I was expecting Alcide would have more body hair with him being a werewolf and all. I'd definitely prefer that.

  7. i welcome those werewolves this season. a great addition, eyecandy wise. just generally enjoying the show over all.
