Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Question of the Day

What was your 1st gay bar experience?

My 1st time was in Paducah, Ky at the DV8. It was scary, because I was using a fake ID and I thought if somebody saw me, they would tell my mama. But there was nobody from my hometown at club, however there was a preacher from my friend's church just hanging out at the bar.

So please share.


  1. We had a DV8 in San Francisco, but my first gay club experience was at Faces in Sacramento.
    I was scared for about two seconds, but then I felt right at home.

  2. Mine was at a club in Irvine called Metropolis. They offered a gay night once a week, and a friend dragged me to the club since I'd never been to one before. I felt so out of place because I didn't look like most of the guys there: gym bodies, tanned, perfect hair. I never went back to that club but found others where I felt more comfortable.

  3. My first gay bar was Stallions in Harrisburg, PA (it's still going strong today). I was scared to death as I walked in the door and showed my I.D. - but as soon as I got a drink and settled down, I was fine. I remember giggling at the sight of a man using the "Ladies" room - and I'll never forget a man nearby proudly introducing his "Lover" to another man at the bar.

    Over the next few years I would spend MANY hours (and many dollars) at that place - and I still like to visit when I go home during the holidays.
