Wednesday, July 21, 2010

NOM's Summer Tour: Trenton, New Jersey


Only 48 haters showed up.


  1. The NJ state assembly tried to pass a same sex marriage bill last year before this big fat asshole Republican Govenor took office but the Dems fell short of votes. The then Gov. Corzine (D) said he would sign it but it never came to be.
    With this Republican Neocon Govenor we have now you can fuggetaboutit!

  2. I'm going to the NOM counter-protest in Lima, OH on Saturday, and I'm trying everything I can to free myself up to drive over to Columbus, OH for the Friday counter-protest. I'll be posting pics and observations.

  3. Looks like Providence drew the biggest crowd of bigots. But then they bused them in so really, I think they're stretching a bit.

    Probably checked out a bunch of seniors from assisted living and nursing homes too.
